FIRST Robotics Competition

Resources for FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) including sample Dean's List judging questions, game test/quizzes to test your knowledge of the FRC game, scoring calculators to calculate the values of the game and help you strategize; printable sheets and guiding documents; user guides for team meetings, documents, and systems; and more.

Evergreen Resources

My Favorite FRC Websites

Sample Dean's List Questions

These questions are not a comprehensive list. Please look for other resources to supplement this. Your judges could ask all or none of these questions. They are just meant to get the ball rolling.

Tip: Interviews go by very quickly and the judges will probably not ask this many questions. Be sure to get out everything you feel you must get out within your first few answers.

Lead Queuer Tool

2022 Update: Many of the best features of the Lead Queuer tool have been built into FRC Queue, a new application that enables SMS and Slack based notifications to help teams queue for their matches, and also provides Queuers with a live dashboard, similar to the tool. I recommend you check it out! I likely won't be doing any major further upgrades to this tool.

Youth Member Registration Guide

Please note: this guide hasn't been updated since 2018. You may wish to consult FIRST's newly published resources.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in FIRST


REEFSCAPE resources are still in development. Let us know what you think.

Compiled Resources (from othes)

2024: Crescendo

Compiled Resources (from other creators)

2023: Charged Up

ScoutLess 2023

For years, the FIRST (and through it, TBA) API has provided extremely helpful match breakdowns. Yet, every year, I see teams scouting that same data.

The API generally tells us what each robot does in end game and auto, leaving game pieces as the only thing left for your scouts to count. In 2023, the API reports the following per team:

By leveraging the API, you’ll:

Reduce the number of scouts needed

Compiled Resources (from other creators)

2022: Rapid React

ScoutLess 2022

For years, the FIRST (and through it, TBA) API has provided extremely helpful match breakdowns. Yet, every year, I see teams scouting that same data.

We don’t have the API match breakdown for this year yet, but it will likely tell us what each robot did in auto AND what each robot did in the endgame. That means the only quantitative thing left for scouts is game pieces scored.

By leveraging the API, you’ll:

Reduce the number of scouts needed

Compiled Resources (from other creators)

2020 & 2021: Infinite Recharge

Compiled Resources (from other creators)

2019: Destination: Deep Space

Compiled Resources (from other creators)

2018: Power Up

Compiled Resources (from other creators)

2017: Steamworks

Game Test

This resource is no longer available online. Please contact for details.

2016: Stronghold

Scoring Calculator

Game Test

Note: Our game test provider used in 2016 is no longer in service. We saved the questions and answers as screenshots if you want to see the content/recreate the test. Clicking the link below will show both questions and answers on the same page.